Why you never had Ethiopia on your bucket-list, and WHY you were wrong

Are you planning a trip to Ethiopia anytime soon? Chances are, you’re probably shaking your head right now and saying, “Umm… no.”


Are you planning a trip to Ethiopia anytime soon? Chances are, you’re probably shaking your head right now and saying, “Umm… no.” We get it. 

Ethiopia often gets a bad rap – it’s not the first country that comes to mind when you’re planning a vacation. 

But we’re here to tell you – you’ve been wrong all along. 

Yes, Ethiopia is home to some of the most extreme poverty in the world. 

But it’s also home to some of the most spectacular sites – from the stunning Simien Mountains to the enigmatic rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. And then there’s the food – don’t even get us started about the food. 

Ethiopia is a culinary paradise, with dishes like the famous Injera bread and the fiery Doro Wat

But what about safety? Don’t worry – Ethiopia is a safe country for tourists. The people are friendly and welcoming, and crime rates are low. 

Plus, you’ll be able to get around easily – Ethiopia has a good train network, as well as a well-developed road infrastructure. 

So why not give Ethiopia a chance? Who knows, you might just find yourself falling in love with this amazing country. 

And when people ask why Ethiopia is on your bucket list, you can proudly tell them: “Because it’s one of the most unique and beautiful places on earth.”

Here is our next trip to Ethiopia you can join